Elementary follows eccentric Sherlock as he escapes to Manhattan where his wealthy father forces him to live with his worst nightmare – a sober companion, Dr. Watson. A successful surgeon until she lost a patient and her license three years ago, Watson views her current job as another opportunity to help people, as well as paying a penance. However, the restless Sherlock is nothing like her previous clients. He informs her that none of her expertise as an addiction specialist applies to him and he's devised his own post-rehab regimen – resuming his work as a police consultant in New York City. Watson has no choice but to accompany her irascible new charge on his jobs. But Sherlock finds her medical background helpful, and Watson realizes she has a knack for playing investigator. Sherlock's police contact, Capt. Tobias "Toby" Gregson, knows from previous experience working with Scotland Yard that Sherlock is brilliant at closing cases, and welcomes him as part of the team. With the mischievous Sherlock Holmes now running free in New York solving crime, it's simple deduction that he's going to need someone to keep him grounded, and it's elementary that it's a job for Watson.
Title | Time | Price | ||
1 | Pilot | 45:44 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
2 | While You Were Sleeping | 43:20 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
3 | Child Predator | 43:15 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
4 | Rat Race | 43:12 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
5 | Lesser Evils | 43:17 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
6 | Flight Risk | 43:17 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
7 | One Way To Get Off | 43:18 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
8 | The Long Fuse | 43:19 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
9 | You Do It To Yourself | 43:15 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
10 | The Leviathan | 43:16 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
11 | Dirty Laundry | 43:17 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
12 | M. | 43:15 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
13 | The Red Team | 43:15 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
14 | The Deductionist | 43:13 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
15 | A Giant Gun, Filled With Drugs | 43:15 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
16 | Details | 42:04 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
17 | Possibility Two | 43:16 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
18 | Deja Vu All Over Again | 43:10 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
19 | Snow Angels | 43:16 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
20 | Dead Man's Switch | 43:17 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
21 | A Landmark Story | 43:17 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
22 | Risk Management | 43:18 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
23 | The Woman / Heroine | 1:27:20 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
24 | Set Tour With Lucy Liu | 02:54 | Season Only | Buy on iTunes |