In this terrifying thriller, a mother must protect her son from an evil, supernatural entity that has escaped the pages of a children's book and is lurking in their home.
By Taylo_olr
interesting movie, not scary. waste of money, expected a horror movie.
This Is The Best Movie Ever Createdđź’«
By Kevin Pedaro
I Love This Movie Sooo Much I Could Watch It Over And Over And Not Get Tired Of It I Love This Movie Best Movie Ever Only Thing I Will Ever Watch Besides IT (2017) I Love All The Horror Movies Also Childs Play That Movie Hit Different (SHEESH!!)
Well done.
By Robin Hood Reborn
Honestly, if Billie Eilish and I are the only ones standing with this, you are way too timid. First time I saw this, I finally had my horror thirst quenched. Horror movies used to be so much better. Lucky me I found one so thrilling! If you too have a thirst to be scarified, I highly recommend it.
By Xavier Mercado
This movie was one to scare me where most don’t. Has become one of my all time classic rewatchables
By mcmuffin98
This movie keeps you nervous from beginning to end. It is probably one of the most nerve racking movies I have ever seen.
It wouldn't let me look away just as terrifying as the exoricst
By Nicholas becerra
Words can not describe how disturbing and real this horror film is. It's not just a horror film it's more about a mom's struggle to keep his out of control son after his dad's brutal violent death which makes this horror film so tense and depressing.
Weak af
By zachbignasty
The babadook sounds like a t-rex and isn't scary at all. Don't waste your time
Deeply Unsettling As It Is Visually Stunning
By Cody Brinson
Uber-creepy and Technically Mesmerizing. A must-watch for horror and movie fans.
Great movie
By BooWheeler
Love this movie.. VERY VERY VERY scary
Outstanding Cinema
By deh135
This is one of those rare movies that works very well on the horror level and the thriller level. and is a very very deep psychological movie. One of the best psychological thrillers I seen in many years.