The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1

By Bill Condon

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 2011-11-18
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 57min
  • Director: Bill Condon
  • Production Company: Summit Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 8,829 Ratings


In the highly anticipated fourth installment of The Twilight Saga, a marriage, honeymoon and the birth of a child bring unforeseen and shocking developments for Bella (Stewart) and Edward (Pattinson) and those they love, including new complications with werewolf Jacob Black (Lautner).




  • Depressing, Boring, and More Boring

    By ilistentomusic(obviously)
    Breaking Dawn—Part 1. Finally, we’re nearing the end of this insufferable story. Arguably the worst entry in a series filled with bad movies, Part 1 makes you wish you could claw your eyes and ears off of your body. It tries to give the feels with an admittedly tragic-looking storyline, but there’s just nothing really interesting in this movie other than that. It’s extremely padded to seem like splitting the final book into two movies makes sense. But it really doesn’t. There’s just nothing interesting at all. I could go on about dull characters and bad acting and writing, but we’ve come to expect that by now. At least the others (yes, including the awful New Moon) TRIED to entertain you. 2/10
  • I LOVE IT!!!🖤🖤Martinez🖤🖤

    By gachagirlJune1
    I Know Im 9 Years Old I Watched This With My Mom It IS SO AMAZING!!!!!! Twilight IS THE BEST MOVIE PERIODT!!!!
  • trailer was cool not the movie

    By queen of dopeville101
    Twilight is just an overrated, unoriginal series about dumb girls falling in love with “hot” vampires. Almost all the vampire movies have a girl trying to choose between a werewolf and a vampire but she doesn’t know which one she loves. In the end it’s either one of her lover’s dies or she learns a lesson that literally ANYONE can predict: follow your heart. Vampire and werewolf movies are so 2012. That’s why no one makes them anymore. So word of advice, kids, find some REAL movies instead of letting this trash rot your brains. Save those educational wads of gum in your head while you can -Taurie the 12 year old girl
  • Even worse than New Moon but Edward and Bella still are the bomb

    By Nicholas becerra
    Breaking Dawn Pt 2 has some problems and so many bad acting and the romance is still good and lovely but Edward and Bella still are the bomb even when vampires run in the family.
  • Spanish please

    By 19Fantasma96
    I want Spanish
  • Más opciones de idiomas

    By pergbgf
    Muy buenas pero Les hace falta que las pongan en español también 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • Love Edward and Bella

    By Kgr737481
    I love 💗 Edward he is so cute. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘😘 Bella is the prettiest person in the hole world.
  • Amazing!!!❤️❤️❤️

    By volleyball4life❤️🤪
    I love this movie soo much! The story of Bella and Edward is so sweet and romantic, and the whole set up of the story is just amazing💗
  • ❣️❣️❣️❣️

    By amandax345
    This is my favorite movie ever! The story between Edward and Bella is the best love story I have ever seen. The score, the setting, all the characters are amazing.
  • So awsome cant stop watching

    By expecto patronom
    Its so lovy and sad but awsome!!!!

