Desperate to pay off mounting debts, a young man living in China agrees to carry out an assassination in South Korea. But soon the man finds himself at the center of a dangerous conspiracy as he begins to uncover a vicious trap of betrayal and lies.
Not a Korean Film Expert
By Not Pauline Kael2
I'm not Korean, and don't speak the language so being an ignorant American film watcher I seriously have no real idea what this plot is all about nor do I understand the ending. The tension is high, the knives and axes sharp, the chase is extremely exciting, and the survival of wounds by our protagonist most epic. However, at the end of the film I did not feel all this mess and killing and chasing was explained in a manner that justified the whole crazy violent trip in the first place. (Nor was the last strange scene at the bank understood by me.) So I guess I recommend this movie if you're into watching a good action thriller with the fore knowledge that all the questions you will have about what's happening to whom and for what reason, are not going to get answered at the end.
Great Movie
By hwanghae
Very well made. Na Hong Jin is the next Park Chan Wook!